FRIGHTBYTES.COM † When you're hungry for a little fright!

Ankh Key will return you to mansion The Crossroads are nothing but a gravel path. At times the trail appears to lead elsewhere, but it ends in shadows. It's unwise to leave the path you can clearly see. The narrow path opens and you see a figure a short distance from you. As you get closer it calls out to you. It's tone is friendly and inviting.

"Welcome to Purgatory! This is an honor! We rarely receive Mortal visitors here. I'm sure you have many questions to ask. I'm glad you found me first!

This realm of Purgatory is where all Newcomers enter and begin their wait for transportation to the next realms. You can wait almost an eternity here before finding passage. Luckily for you I'm here to help!"

You explain to him that you have nothing to give him. How can you possibly pay for passage out of this realm?

"Oh, you Mortals. You always have to complicate the most simple of things! This is Purgatory, things are run so much differently. Please, come into my office. Rest awhile and let me help you book passage to a much better place.

I was just about to send my client away on his Deluxe Package Journey. We've just finished the paperwork."

This Way To Purgatory

† Soul Broker... †

Soul Broker. Copyright 2000-2002 M. Buck aka Artgekko.

Copyright © 1998-2013 M. Buck
All Rights Reserved
"When you're hungry for a little fright!"